2939 360 ડીગ્રી ફરતી કિચન ઓર્ગેનાઈઝર ટ્રોલી સ્ટોરેજ માટે / ફરતી ટ્રે / બ્રાઉન બોક્સ સાથે ટર્નટેબલ ડાઈનિંગ ટેબલ ઓર્ગેનાઈઝર

Rs. 53.00
Rs. 299.00
- 82% OFF

2000+ Verified Reviews


  • Kitchen Storage

  • Premium, Durable Material

  • 360-Degree Rotation

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Rotate to Organize: Your Kitchen's New Best Friend

Elevate Your Home with a Compact, Organizer That Combines Style and Functionality

Skincare Organizer

Arrange serums, moisturizers, and toners for a convenient skincare routine.

Formula & Chocolate Drink Storage

Keep formula containers and baby-friendly chocolate drinks close by.

Condiment Holder

Keep sauces, oils, and seasonings on the dining table for a stylish and functional setup.

Hassle-Free Cleaning & Maintenance

Simple wipe-down surfaces for effortless upkeep

Durable, Eco-Friendly Material for Daily Use

Long-lasting design made from safe, eco-friendly components.

Fruit & Veggie Basket

Display fresh fruits and small vegetables on the countertop.

Storage Compartment

Keeps butter fresh and ready to use, minimizing exposure to air.

Pantry Organizer

Keep canned goods, sauces, and jars organized in the pantry.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Our customer advocates are standing by 24/7 to support you via email

2939 360 ડીગ્રી ફરતી કિચન ઓર્ગેનાઈઝર ટ્રોલી સ્ટોરેજ માટે / ફરતી ટ્રે / બ્રાઉન બોક્સ સાથે ટર્નટેબલ ડાઈનિંગ ટેબલ ઓર્ગેનાઈઝર

Rs. 53.00
Rs. 299.00
- 82% OFF